New Zealand Pollinators
Don Bradford, 5 Falloon Settlement Rd., RD8, Masterton, Ph. (06) 377 2403, Fax. (06) 377 2401, Area: Wairarapa, New Zealand, Hives: 700 (Also Producing: Manuka Honey)
Apiaries, Geoff Bongard, 1400 hives. phone (03)308-3927.
Finlay Abernethy,
500 plus hives, crop pollination using hitch hikker forklift.
Lee Crawshaw, Commercial beekeeper, Bay of Plenty, kiwifruit
Bryce and Sue Hooton, 800 hives,
Gerrit & Ineke Hyink, 1000 hives
David Moore, Opotiki, Eastern Bay of Plenty. Pollination
Craig Rosborough, kiwifruit, western Bay of Plenty.
Mark & Sheree Silson, Commercial beekepers based in Bay of Plenty. We produce Manuka, Native bush and clover honeys and do fruit pollination. We offer a contract honey extraction service.
Ian S Stewart, 240 hives, Gisborne
Tom Taylor, 800 hives, Hawkes Bay area
Mike Vercoe, 400 hives in Otago